Thursday, January 26, 2012

Back in the swing of things

Well, there has been a big life change since my last post. We had a baby boy in November! It has been an absolute joy getting to know this little fella. I haven't been online a whole lot because I've been trying to make the most of my time at the shop and get some bikes done. It broke my heart leaving the little guy at home a couple of weeks after he arrived to get back to work, but c'est la vi. Sleep deprivation be damned, it's time to make bikes.

Here's a quick photo recap of some recent projects.

I'll be doing my best to update the blog more often. I'm in full-on Max and Sax Max mode right now.

Thanks for the visit!

1 comment:

David said...

Hey Mike,

You haven't missed a step in interum, they ALL look fantastic and am particlarly loving that MAX bike....hmmmm ;-)!!!

Congrats again and all the best to you and the family !

Dave B.